The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular NA meetings. H&I meetings, except for those in long-term facilities, are intended to introduce those addicts in attendance to the basic of The NA Program.
H&I meetings & presentations have the advantage of the question & answer period. Which allows residents to address specific questions & concerns about NA with members of NA.
What NA offers:
We carry a message of recovery from the disease of addiction through The 12 Steps & The 12 Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous. Offering an opportunity to each individual to improve the quality of his/her life, both inside the facility & after release from the facility.
*** We have no opinions on treatment methods or any issues other than recovery from addiction through the application of The Program of Narcotics Anonymous. ***
Contact Us
Would you like an H&I meeting or presentation brought into your facility, or just have questions ? … Let us know below !