• Phone610-374-5944
  • AddressP.O. Box 6483, Wyomissing, Pa 19610
  • Open Hours24 / 7
  • Phone610-374-5944
  • AddressP.O. Box 6483, Wyomissing, Pa 19610
  • Open Hours24 / 7


Reading Area Convention Committee of NA


The convention is a biannual multi-day event whose primary purpose is to bring NA members together in the Reading Area to share their experience in service & recovery & to promote unity. 


The convention provides service workshops, topic meetings; on steps, traditions, concepts of other topics. 

Meeting Info

Convention Committee meets the 3rd Sunday and 4th Sunday of every Month at 2:00 pm, at the Club House, use door on right. Click the map for directions. 


Get Involved

Open positions

Vice Treasurer: Suggested five years clean time. The vice treasurer
will fill in as treasurer in the absence of the treasurer as well as share
in the responsibilities of the treasurer; shares in the responsibility for
collection and depositing funds during the convention; and is a
member of the RACCNA Budget/Reconciliation Subcommittee. The
vice treasurer should be currently employed and not have
misappropriated any NA funds without making complete amends.


† Responsibilities of Treasurer: 

1. Secures a P.O. box number with two keys for the Chair of Registration
and the secretary. Opens a bank account for RACCNA. The signatures
required for the bank account are any two of the following officers:
chairperson, vice chairperson, treasurer and vice treasurer of RACCNA.
The cards and account information are filled out at the RACCNA meeting.
2. Is a member of the Budget/Reconciliation Subcommittee.
3. Works with RACCNA to follow the budget which was approved by
RASCNA for the convention.
4. Writes all appropriate checks and is responsible for collecting receipts
from subcommittees for money paid out.
5. Is responsible for reporting and transporting all money collected during the
planning process, including revenues from fundraisers, registration,
banquet tickets, etc., and advises the chairperson on operating cash and
ending account expenses and balances.
6. Is accountable for funds collected and deposited during the convention.
Policy for any transactions or handling of funds will be designated by the
subcommittee chair. Those responsible NA members will have one year
clean, have an NA home group and an NA sponsor. A financial agreement
sheet must be signed prior to any cash transactions (goes under
subcommittees). Treasurer maintains copies of all signed RACCNA
service committee agreements.
7. The treasurer will handle bounced/stop payment checks with the following
per bank policy: a bill sent listing money owed for services or
merchandise purchased (bill sent each month from the time debt is
incurred for a maximum of three (3) months).
8. Executive Chair and treasurer shall provide RASCNA with a detailed
budget for the upcoming convention.
This procedure and suggested letter can be used in future
convention planning to address a bad debt.

9. Monthly and closing treasurer’s reports will be submitted at RASCNA
10. Organizes and presents to the Reading Area Audit Committee all financial
information on a quarterly basis. ꞏ
11. All reports and receipts shall be turned in to the RASCNA treasurer and
necessary information will be provided to file appropriate tax forms.
12. Coordinates with the Serenity Keepers Chair and Vice Chair to outline and
present the plan for the collection, transportation and basic security of
monies to the Executive Committee for approval.

Vice Secretary: Suggested two years clean time, will fill in as secretary
in absence of secretary and will share in the duties of the secretary.


† Responsibilities of Secretary: Suggested two years clean time, has service experience
and good typing skills and has computer knowledge to ensure that
accurate minutes are distributed to the committee members.
1. Keeps minutes of all RACCNA meetings and subcommittee reports.
2. Mails (emails) minutes to RACCNA members after approval by the
Executive Committee ten days after each meeting.
3. Maintains a list of names, addresses, email addresses and phone
numbers of the committee members for committee use.
4. Keeps extra sets of minutes for members who may request them.
5. Maintains the Master Vendor list.
6. Generates “Letters of Intent” as guided by the Executive Committee Chair.
The letter must be sent within five days of the chair’s request.

Purpose of Guidelines Subcommittee:
a) The Guidelines Subcommittee shall maintain record, collate,
review, research, clarify, identify and provide input regarding
convention policy.
b) The Guidelines Subcommittee shall serve as a resource to
the Convention Chairperson, the convention
subcommittees and the convention body itself.

Functions/Responsibilities of Guidelines Subcommittee:
a) Maintains an up-to-date GUIDELINE DIGEST (includes current
b) Maintains a GUIDELINE INDEX (includes all guidelines).
c) Reviews and researches RACCNA Guidelines for continuity with regard to
the 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts and current convention policy.
d) Researches and recommends, upon request by the Convention
Committee, policy/guidelines on current convention issues.
e) Identifies where policy exists by precedent and suggests adoption of this
f) Reviews the wording of motions for clarity.
g) Supports convention subcommittees through discussion clarification and
attendance at meetings upon request.
h) Provides clarification of current policy at convention meetings and serves
as a resource to the convention body in this regard.
i) Reviews convention policy issues as necessary and provides needed
information and/or suggestions to the Convention Committee.
j) Identifies areas where policy is in conflict or where conflict is present due
to the absence of policy and reports findings to the Convention Committee.
k) All policy/guideline motions go to Guidelines Committee for review before
being presented on the convention floor.
l) Is responsible for distribution and replacement of RACCNA Convention
Guidelines. Replacements to committee members will be at cost (including
policy guidebook and folder). All money is to be given to the RACCNA


Guidelines Subcommittee Chairperson Qualifications:
a) Suggested two years clean time.
b) Has a good working knowledge of the subcommittee, the 12
Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts, A Guide to Local
Services, and Roberts Rules of Order.
c) Has a willingness to serve.
a) Two-year commitment.
b) Mediates at all meetings of the Convention Committee.
c) Is available to answer questions from and give support to
the convention subcommittees.

 Guidelines Subcommittee Vice Chairperson Qualifications:
a) Suggested one year clean time.
b) Has a good working knowledge of the subcommittee, the 12
Steps and the 12 Traditions.
c) Has a willingness to serve.
a) Two-year commitment as vice chair followed by an automatic two year commitment as chair.
b) Performs all duties of the chair in the absence of the chair.

H&H Vice Chairperson Requirements:
a) Suggested minimum of two years clean.
b) Time and commitment to fulfill duties.
c) Working knowledge of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of Narcotic Anonymous.
d) Desire to serve.

H&H Vice Chairperson Duties:
a) Acts as the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson. When acting as the chairperson, a written report must be done and handed in at all Convention Committee meetings, except at special order of business meetings if not pertaining to the position.
b) Must attend subcommittee meetings monthly.
c) Works in conjunction with the chairperson to fulfill all duties pertaining to
that committee.
d) Completes other duties as directed by the Convention Committee or the
H&H Chairperson.


Function/Responsibilities of H&H Subcommittee:

The Hotel and Hospitality (H&H) Subcommittee can begin planning to host the fellowship.

The H&H Subcommittee works in conjunction with the Program Subcommittee to help assign the appropriate meeting space that will be needed. The projected figure need not be accurate, although if this event becomes annual, using the criteria from previous conventions should help the committee to project a reasonable figure from which to work.

Any catering proposals such as coffee, banquets and brunches that are not
covered in the hotel contract should be presented to RACCNA for review. Special attention should be given to the area budget guidelines regarding the cost of these expenditures.

The H&H Subcommittee will establish an arrangement so that a minimal number of individuals will have the authority to sign for services. Make it clear that the committee will only honor bills with specific signatures. Final approval of all contracts will be the responsibility of RASCNA. Finally, this committee should open and operate a hospitality room where the fellowship can gather and relax, drink coffee, eat fruit, play games, etc., as well as obtain local transportation, tourist, dining or other information pertinent to the area.
This information will be gathered by the CI (Convention Information) Subcommittee and supplied to the H&H Subcommittee for the hospitality room. 


H&H Chairperson Requirements:
a) Suggested minimum of two years clean.
b) Prior convention experience
c) Time and commitment to fulfill duties.
d) Working knowledge of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of
Narcotics Anonymous.

H&H Chairperson Duties:
a) Holds a monthly subcommittee meeting. The meeting should be scheduled on the same day and time each month to encourage participation from the fellowship.
b) Must present a budget to the treasurer of all estimated subcommittee costs within 30 days of being elected.
c) Selects a convention location and is in charge of all negotiations of contracts, including meals. All contracts must be in writing and signed by the hotel representative. A minimum of three bids must be submitted for review and/or approval. The Executive Committee must give final approval of a contract before submitting it to the Reading Area of NA for final approval.
d) Using all information available, is responsible to project an estimated

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